Technology from tomorrow

Outstanding Services ServicesServices

Expert guidance, one-on-one service

Well Documented

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Simple To Use

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of printing and typesetting and industry. Lorem Ipsum been.

High Performance

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Technology from tomorrow
Business Growth

We have always adhered to the spirit of "professionalism and focus", and have been deeply involved in the index field for more than ten years. We provide institutional and individual investors with performance benchmarks and rich decision-making information to track the market, and build a technology-based company with index business as its core and diversified services.

Business Sustainability

Our index is widely used in various financial products, providing benchmark services for various products. The linked products include onshore and offshore public funds, structured products, over-the-counter derivatives, index futures, index options, etc.

Business Performance

Relying on a professional R&D team, standardized maintenance processes, reliable technical support, excellent service quality, and comprehensive guarantee mechanisms, CSI Index Company has rich experience in compiling, calculating, publishing, and managing indices covering different asset classes and different countries or regions according to various personalized needs.

Ten year neighborhood expert

One on one guidance

24X7 support
